- All Week - Class/Team Pictures still on sale (myschoolfees.com)
- Scantron Testing Week - 6th Grade (17th-19th)
- Tuesday (17th) - Peers Helping Peers Meeting (rm109) 7:25-7:45AM
- Tuesday (17th) - 6th Grade Scantron Testing- READING
- Tuesday (17th) - Earthsavers Science Club (rm 304) 3:00-4:30PM
- Tuesday (17th) - Show Choir Practice (choir room) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (17th) - Pokemon Club (rm. 305) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (17th) - Girls, Goals, Good Books (Gym) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (17th) - Fine Arts Night/General PTO Meeting 6:00PM
- Wednesday (18th) - 6th Grade Scantron Testing- MATH
- Wednesday (18th) - Katie’s Krops 3:00PM
- Thursday (19th) - 6th Grade Scantron Testing- SCIENCE
- Thursday (19th) - Frisbee Club 3:00PM
- Thursday (19th) - BUCs Club Meeting (Library) 3:00PM
Monday, April 16, 2018
Brock's Gap Happenings: This Week at BGIS (04/16-04/20)
Friday, April 13, 2018
Middle School Update: Bumpus Girls' Basketball Tryouts
Contact Coach Rena' Holden tfaustholden@hoover.k12.al.us for more information.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Brock's Gap Happenings: This Week at BGIS (4/9-4/13)
- All Week - Class/Team Pictures still on sale (myschoolfees.com)
- Scantron Testing Week - 5th Grade (10th-12th)
- Monday (9th) - Art Club Meeting (rm 309) 3:00-4:00PM
- Tuesday (10th) - 5th Grade Scantron Testing- READING
- Tuesday (10th) - Peers Helping Peers Meeting (rm109) 7:25-7:45AM
- Tuesday (10th) - Pokemon Club (rm305) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (10th) - Boys, Books, and Basketball (gym) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (10th) - Show Choir Practice (choir room) 3:00-4:30PM
- Tuesday (10th) - HCS Board of Education Meeting (CO) 5:30-6:30PM
- Wednesday (11th) - 5th Grade Scantron Testing- MATH
- Thursday (12h) - 5th Grade Scantron Testing- SCIENCE
- Thursday (12th) - Frisbee Club 3PM (gym) 3:00PM-4:15PM
- Friday (13th) - Muffins with Moms Event 7-8AM (BGIS Lunchroom)
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Character Trait of the Month: Peace
The character trait for April is Peace. This means proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Brock's Gap Happenings: Transition Night, 5K Run, & Spirit Event
BGIS Parents,
We have just a few reminders to make sure you are updated...
1. Transition Nights - all elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools will host transition night events this year in May. This will be for students and parents to attend. You will get zoning and event information from the district soon, so be on the lookout and mark your calendars appropriately.
2. 5K for a Cause - This Friday at 11PM is the deadline to register for race packs for this year's 5K event on Friday, March 23rd. These can be paid online at this link - https://secure4.myschoolfees.com/ Whether with a race pack, participation fee or scholarshiped through the PE department we would love for each student to participate in this wonderful annual event. It is a great way for students to learn how to give back to their community and celebrate staying healthy. In an effort to increase safety measures we also need all parents/visitors coming to to the event to complete the link below. This will significantly expedite your sign in time on that day. 5K Parent Visitor RSVP Link
3. PTO Spirit Event for March - This month BGIS will get 20% back from all car washes at Riverchase Car Wash and Detail for this Thursday, Friday & Saturday, March 15-17th. Tell your friends and family.
We have just a few reminders to make sure you are updated...
1. Transition Nights - all elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools will host transition night events this year in May. This will be for students and parents to attend. You will get zoning and event information from the district soon, so be on the lookout and mark your calendars appropriately.
2. 5K for a Cause - This Friday at 11PM is the deadline to register for race packs for this year's 5K event on Friday, March 23rd. These can be paid online at this link - https://secure4.myschoolfees.com/ Whether with a race pack, participation fee or scholarshiped through the PE department we would love for each student to participate in this wonderful annual event. It is a great way for students to learn how to give back to their community and celebrate staying healthy. In an effort to increase safety measures we also need all parents/visitors coming to to the event to complete the link below. This will significantly expedite your sign in time on that day. 5K Parent Visitor RSVP Link
3. PTO Spirit Event for March - This month BGIS will get 20% back from all car washes at Riverchase Car Wash and Detail for this Thursday, Friday & Saturday, March 15-17th. Tell your friends and family.
School Transition Night HAS BEEN CHANGED!
The new dates for transition nights are below as follows:
Tuesday, May 1st Elementary & Intermediate
South Shades Crest- 5:25 pm-6:30 pm
All other elementary schools- 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Brock's Gap Intermediate- 6:30pm-7:30pm
Monday, May 7th- Middle Schools
(BUMPUS, BERRY, SIMMONS) 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Tuesday, May 8th- High School
(HOOVER and SPAIN PARK) 6:00-8:00PM
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Monday, March 5, 2018
Character Trait of the Month: Patience
The character trait for March is PATIENCE. This means waiting until later for what you want now.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Academic Update: Week of March 5th-March 9th
Brock’s Gap Happenings: www.voyagers6.blogspot.com
Academic Update: Week of March 5th-March 9th
Social Studies:
*Ms. Powell - We Continue studying “The Great Depression” during this week. We will cover sections 12-3 & 12-4 with a quiz on Friday, March 9th over both sections. We will be analyzing the effects of the drought in the midwest and FDR’s policies to help the nation recover from the drastic downturn in the economy.
*Mrs. Roe - We are studying Constellations. Constellation Project due Monday = 100 points. Can’t wait to hear their constellation stories. We will move on to Seasons and Phases of the Moon.
Language Arts:
*Ms. Beck - We are finishing our wolf unit by comparing All About Wolves by John Vucetich and Rolf Peterson and the excerpt from White Fang by Jack London. We will also start a new Scope text, The Ghost Boy, and an informational text about the Transcontinental Railroad. Our focus skill will be making inferences.
*Mr. Ayers
Regular--We will continue our exploration with algebraic expressions. We plan to test on Tuesday, March 13th.
Advanced--This past week, we learned formula for the area and circumference of circles and discusses area and perimeter of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. We will quiz on Monday and discuss compound figures. Later in the week will will discuss 3-dimensional figures.
*Mrs. Berryhill (formerly Mrs. West’s math) -
Email: sberryhill@hoover.k12.al.us
Please see class blog at: https://berryhillmath.blogspot.com/.
This week we will focus on evaluating expressions and tables. There will be no quiz this week. Your child has CR #21 and a Bonus IXL Contract due on Monday, March 5th.
Please see class blog at: https://berryhillmath.blogspot.com/.
This week we will focus on evaluating expressions and tables. There will be no quiz this week. Your child has CR #21 and a Bonus IXL Contract due on Monday, March 5th.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Message from the Cafeteria: Balances & March Menu
We currently have 82 students with a negative balance.
School Messenger was replaced with a system called Blackboard in December. The low balance notifications were changed over; HOWEVER, the balance was not accurate to include the current day's payments/transactions. This caused much confusion and frustration for parents.
We are encouraging parents/guardians to utilize the notification system in PayPams. We will soon be sending a phone bulletin of this feature in PayPams. For the record, there is no charge to create and monitor an account. The only fee is if a payment is made online. Notifications levels can be set up at the parents preference: $50.00, $20.00, $15.00, etc...
Check out our March lunch menu below.
Note: March 23rd will be sack lunches for the 5K run.
We are encouraging parents/guardians to utilize the notification system in PayPams. We will soon be sending a phone bulletin of this feature in PayPams. For the record, there is no charge to create and monitor an account. The only fee is if a payment is made online. Notifications levels can be set up at the parents preference: $50.00, $20.00, $15.00, etc...
Check out our March lunch menu below.
Note: March 23rd will be sack lunches for the 5K run.
Brock's Gap Happenings: HAT DAY THIS FRIDAY!
This Friday, March 2nd is Read Across America Day. (Dr. Seuss's B'day). With Reading Madness month going on we are definitely celebrating reading! To add to our celebration of reading we are going to have a HAT day this Friday!
Students can wear Dr. Seuss hats, baseball hats, or any hat that is not too distracting to the learning going on! (This is not crazy hat day ... just hat day!) This is just another reminder that reading is fun and so important!
Let us know if you have any questions about this fun celebration.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Wear your new CHOOSE KIND pink shirt or any pink shirt Wednesday, February 28th to celebrate the day!
Brock's Gap Happenings: This Week at BGIS (2/26-3/2)
- All Week - Be Kind Week
- All Week - Class/Team Pictures still on sale (myschoolfees.com)
- Tuesday (27th) - Instrument Ensemble Practice 3:00PM
- Tuesday (27th) - Girls, Goals, and Good Books (Gym) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (27th) - Pokemon Club (rm. 305) 3:00PM
- Tuesday (27th) - Show Choir Practice (choir room) 3:00PM
- Wednesday (28th) - BE KIND DAY- WEAR PINK
- Wednesday (28th) - 1st Priority Club (Choir Room) 7:30AM
- Wednesday (28th) - Lego Robotics Club 3:00-4:30PM
- Wednesday (28th) - Star Wars Club (rm 113) 3:00-4:00PM
- Wednesday (28th) - Band Student Field Trip to observe Music Performance Assessment
- Thursday (1st) - Instrument Ensemble Practice 7:30AM
- Thursday (1st) - Hoover Elementary Music Festival - 10AM select 5th graders will be on this trip
- Thursday (1st) - Frisbee Club 3PM (gym)
Friday, February 23, 2018
Brock's Gap Happenings
- February 23rd - Spirit Night at Sky Zone
- February 28th - Pink Shirt Day
- Middle School Transition Night: All of our 5th and 6th graders at BGIS will be able to visit and tour their newly rezoned middle school on 3/19/18.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Reading Madness: Google Classroom (n6dtlg)
There is a Google Classroom for the entire BGIS month of Reading Madness. It will be awesome for you to join so you can discuss your book, take polls, and see videos/pictures relating to the books.
The code is n6dtlg.
Stay away from posting anything inappropriate.
Stay away from book spoilers.
The teachers and staff monitoring the GC are able to see all posts and will remove any posts that are deemed inappropriate.
The code is n6dtlg.
Stay away from posting anything inappropriate.
Stay away from book spoilers.
The teachers and staff monitoring the GC are able to see all posts and will remove any posts that are deemed inappropriate.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Brock's Gap Happenings
Middle School:
You will find "Middle School" info on our team blog. As we continue to get information about each middle school we will keep you up to date by placing that information on our blog under the right hand tab. Click on "Middle Schools" and click on the middle school your child will be attending!
Parent Academy Night:
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend Parent Academy night on February 6th at 6:00 p.m. See info below.
Pink Shirt Day:
February 28th is Pink Shirt Day. Click HERE for more information.
If you're interested, you can place your t-shirt order for the $5.00 “Choose Kind” t-shirt through www.myschoolfees.com. You may also choose to wear your own pink shirt on this day.
Here are two videos we watched at school explaining the history of the pink shirt:
Heartgrams are on sale February 5-9, 2018. They are $1.00 each and students must have dollar bills to purchase.
Make-Up Snow Day:
February 19, 2018 has been added to the calendar as a make-up day for the December 8th missed school day.
Box Tops!
If students bring in a total of 10,000 Box Tops students will be able to duct tape Mr. Mitchell to the wall. Students who bring in 50 box tops will be able to participate in the taping. Students who bring in 20 will have their name added to the bucket for a drawing for prizes!
You will find "Middle School" info on our team blog. As we continue to get information about each middle school we will keep you up to date by placing that information on our blog under the right hand tab. Click on "Middle Schools" and click on the middle school your child will be attending!
Parent Academy Night:
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend Parent Academy night on February 6th at 6:00 p.m. See info below.
Please join us Tuesday, February 6th, 2018.
PTO General Meeting at 6:00PM
Parent session from 6:30-7:30 PM
*Childcare will be available in the cafeteria*
Sessions this year will include:
Staying Current as a Parent in Today’s Digital Classroom Social Media Trends Student Transitions to Middle School Middle School Math Middle School Literacy Taking Care of the Social and Emotional Needs of Your Child
Pink Shirt Day:
February 28th is Pink Shirt Day. Click HERE for more information.
If you're interested, you can place your t-shirt order for the $5.00 “Choose Kind” t-shirt through www.myschoolfees.com. You may also choose to wear your own pink shirt on this day.
Here are two videos we watched at school explaining the history of the pink shirt:
Heartgrams are on sale February 5-9, 2018. They are $1.00 each and students must have dollar bills to purchase.
"SCA will be selling Valentinegrams at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria between February 6th - February 9th. Send a Valentinegram to all of your friends and teachers. Valentinegrams will be given out on Valentine’s Day! They are $1 each. We are asking that you only pay with bills; no coins will be accepted for payment.
Thank you!"
February 19, 2018 has been added to the calendar as a make-up day for the December 8th missed school day.
Box Tops!
If students bring in a total of 10,000 Box Tops students will be able to duct tape Mr. Mitchell to the wall. Students who bring in 50 box tops will be able to participate in the taping. Students who bring in 20 will have their name added to the bucket for a drawing for prizes!
Coming Soon: Middle School Tours
All of our 5th and 6th graders will be able to visit and tour their newly rezoned middle school on Monday, March 19, 2018. All three middle schools will have BGIS students next year, so they should attend their new 2018-2019 rezoned school on this transition night.
Middle School Extra-Curricular Tryouts
The middle school administrators have agreed that students will try out for sports and activities based on current 2017-18 feeder zones. For BGIS students, that would be Bumpus. Students making a team or club at these tryouts would then make the team at the new school if they are rezoned for 2018-19.
Cheer and Dance Tryouts at Bumpus:
Parent interest meeting will be February 5th at 6:30 PM in the Bumpus library.
Tryout dates below:
Cheer and Dance Tryouts at Bumpus:
Parent interest meeting will be February 5th at 6:30 PM in the Bumpus library.
Tryout dates below:
- Cheer will be March 13-16
- Dance will be March 20-23
Cross Country:
Find information about a Bumpus cross country summer camp HERE.
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