Thursday, August 31, 2017

Two Club Opportunities for Students

Click the following link if you are interested in Pokemon Club

If you are interested in Earthsavers Club you need to pick up and application in any of the offices and return to Mrs. Jana Maynard. If you have any questions, please email her at

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Open House Voyagers Presentation

It was so nice meeting so many of you at our Parent PTO Open House.  For those of you who were unable to attend or those of you who wanted a copy of the presentation, we've attached it here. Here's to a great year! :-)


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

*Career Spotlight* Message from our Counselors....

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This year at Brock’s Gap Intermediate School we are going to be doing career spotlights throughout the year. WE NEED YOU! We want our parents to be our spotlights. We are asking that you video yourself answering a few questions and the video will be shared in our broadcast announcements.

We are looking for a variety of people interested in telling our students about their career. Many of our students are unaware of the career opportunities available to them and this is a fantastic way to provide them with first hand knowledge of potential career paths. This is also a great way for you to get involved in BGIS and make an impact on the students’ future.

If you are interested in recording a short 2 minute video telling the students about a “day in the life” of your job, please complete the following link:

Video Questions (2 minutes or less):

  • What is your name?
  • What is your job title?
  • What kinds of things do you do at your job?
  • What type of training/college experience/qualifications was required?
  • What do you enjoy most about your job?
  • What kinds of subjects were important for you to know in order to be able to do your job?
  • Who are you related to at Brock’s Gap? (Optional)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. The information is also on the Guidance & Counseling page on the Brock’s Gap website.

Catherine Bruno                                                          Coley Robichaux
5th Grade Counselor                                                  6th Grade Counselor                               
205-439-1624                                                              205-439-1634

Friday, August 25, 2017

*Magazine* Message from PTO...

It's time for our awesome fundraiser!  Turn in days will be every Wednesday starting August 30th for the next 4 weeks!

Very important for students to label their orders so they get proper credit for PRIZES!

Make sure students fill out the forms LEGIBLY!  This helps so much with the process of tallying orders and getting the information processed!

Lunchtime for the next four weeks can be very exciting on PRIZE DAYS!

Thank you in advance for helping BGIS!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A note from the School Nurse:


Students are not allowed to carry medication on their person while at school​. Please make sure you contact the school nurse with any need for your child to have medication at school. A prescriber/parent authorization form must be presented to the nurse along with the medication before any student is allowed to have medication​ at school.  ​An adult needs to bring the medication along with the signed paperwork to the nurse. If you have any questions, please call​ Tyra Walker, RN at 439-1630​.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Important Parent Announcements - August 21, 2017

Hello Voyager Parents,

WOW- We just came inside from viewing the SOLAR ECLIPSE.  Without our solar glasses, we would have missed it.  The temperature definitely dropped a few degrees and the sky was not quite as bright. BGIS was not in path of totality but today will definitely go down in history as a special highlight of this 6th grade year.

Volunteers needed:
Parents, if you have some time and would like to help us, we really need some volunteers this week to laminate, cut, and hang some of our students' work! If you can volunteer, please email Ms. Roe. We would like our volunteers to come Wednesday, August 23rd from 9am until noon and again from 1pm until 3pm. The kids love to see their work "personalize" their new Voyager hall! Thank you for helping us.

We need a few items:
We have included a link to our signup genius asking for some items for our team.  We will do this periodically. Note that every item is for your student! We will use these items during our team celebrations on Fridays and as class incentives & rewards!

Here's the link again: 

Open House:
Mark your calendars for MONDAY, AUGUST 28.

Come meet your child's teachers and hear more about 6th grade expectations at the PTO Parent Open House on Monday, August 28th at 6PM in the COMPETITION GYM.

Voyager Team Teachers
Ayers, Beck, Powell, and Roe

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Students may wear a cap to school and bring a towel to sit on during the eclipse.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Read and Sign Page 51 of the Agenda!

Image result for school agenda

Students and Parents:

Please look at page 51 in your agendas. Make sure you read and sign page 51 and return to your child's homeroom teacher NO LATER than Friday, August 18th! If your child needs to purchase an agenda they may do so for $5.00 from the front office!

A note from our PE Department:

-6th grade PE-

Students will receive uniforms the Friday before LABOR day and we will begin dressing out when they return from the holiday.

Monday, August 14, 2017

A note from our school counselors:

At Brock's Gap the school counseling services are addressed through the three major domains of the American School Counselor Association- Academic, Career, and Personal/Social. We're asking parents, teachers, and students to complete a short needs assessment in order to help us provide services through our counseling program. Thank you for your time and input.  We look forward to working and collaborating with you this year!

Mrs. Bruno and Mrs. Robichaux

Here's the link again just in case:

Friday, August 11, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

*Important Chromebook Information*

Repairs- If your device is currently in need of repair, please take it to your school to turn in for repair. Students can plan to receive their device back within the first few days of school. You can submit a repair request via by selecting the service requests tab at the top right hand corner and clicking on repair request.
Note- If your student turned in a device for repair at the end of 2016-2017, those will be sent to the school as well for distribution. If they are attending a different school than they were at last year, the device will be sent to their new school.

New students- All students grades 3-12 who have completed on line registration, agreed to a device, and do not owe fees to technology will automatically be sent a device. No request needed. The school will distribute the devices on their schedule.

We will do our best to have all devices checked out and at the school within the first week of school starting.

Charger Request- If your student needs a new charger, please fill out a request form via our website by selecting the service requests tab at the top right hand corner and clicking charger request. There is a $40 charge for all chargers and it is not included in the protection plan.

Protection Plan- If you have not purchased the Protection Plan for the 2017-2018 school year, you can do that via and select the IT Department as your child's school. Here are more detailed instructions if you need them.

Please remember that the Protection Plan is an annual purchase that runs from the first day of school in the year paid to the first day of school in the next year. You will be purchasing the 2017-2018 school year.

Thank you.

Bryan Phillips
Chief Technology Officer
Hoover City Schools

Get Your Eclipse T-Shirt!

The Solar Eclipse is August 21st!!

To celebrate, BUMPUS is selling black eclipse t-shirts for the event.  If you would like one, please send $10.00 cash or check (written to Bumpus Middle School) by Monday, August 14th) . We will place your order with BUMPUS.

We have small, medium, large, and x-large (all adult sizes). Please put money in an envelope with your child's name, size, and ROE--Science teacher BGIS.  This is optional.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Welcome to the Sixth Grade Voyager Team!

We are so excited you are a Sixth Grade Voyager!
We will be "Setting the Stage" for your success this year!
 You are already a star!
 We will help you make sure you shine your brightest this year!
Welcome back to school!