Thursday, August 10, 2017

*Important Chromebook Information*

Repairs- If your device is currently in need of repair, please take it to your school to turn in for repair. Students can plan to receive their device back within the first few days of school. You can submit a repair request via by selecting the service requests tab at the top right hand corner and clicking on repair request.
Note- If your student turned in a device for repair at the end of 2016-2017, those will be sent to the school as well for distribution. If they are attending a different school than they were at last year, the device will be sent to their new school.

New students- All students grades 3-12 who have completed on line registration, agreed to a device, and do not owe fees to technology will automatically be sent a device. No request needed. The school will distribute the devices on their schedule.

We will do our best to have all devices checked out and at the school within the first week of school starting.

Charger Request- If your student needs a new charger, please fill out a request form via our website by selecting the service requests tab at the top right hand corner and clicking charger request. There is a $40 charge for all chargers and it is not included in the protection plan.

Protection Plan- If you have not purchased the Protection Plan for the 2017-2018 school year, you can do that via and select the IT Department as your child's school. Here are more detailed instructions if you need them.

Please remember that the Protection Plan is an annual purchase that runs from the first day of school in the year paid to the first day of school in the next year. You will be purchasing the 2017-2018 school year.

Thank you.

Bryan Phillips
Chief Technology Officer
Hoover City Schools