Middle School:
You will find "Middle School" info on our team blog. As we continue to get information about each middle school we will keep you up to date by placing that information on our blog under the right hand tab. Click on "Middle Schools" and click on the middle school your child will be attending!
Parent Academy Night:
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend Parent Academy night on February 6th at 6:00 p.m. See info below.
Please join us Tuesday, February 6th, 2018.
PTO General Meeting at 6:00PM
Parent session from 6:30-7:30 PM
*Childcare will be available in the cafeteria*
Sessions this year will include:
Staying Current as a Parent in Today’s Digital Classroom Social Media Trends Student Transitions to Middle School Middle School Math Middle School Literacy Taking Care of the Social and Emotional Needs of Your Child
Pink Shirt Day:
February 28th is Pink Shirt Day. Click
HERE for more information.
If you're interested, you can place your t-shirt order for the $5.00 “Choose Kind” t-shirt through www.myschoolfees.com. You may also choose to wear your own pink shirt on this day.
Here are two videos we watched at school explaining the history of the pink shirt:
Heartgrams are on sale February 5-9, 2018. They are $1.00 each and students must have dollar bills to purchase.
"SCA will be selling Valentinegrams at 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria between February 6th - February 9th. Send a Valentinegram to all of your friends and teachers. Valentinegrams will be given out on Valentine’s Day! They are $1 each. We are asking that you only pay with bills; no coins will be accepted for payment.
Thank you!"
Make-Up Snow Day:
February 19, 2018 has been added to the calendar as a make-up day for the December 8th missed school day.
Box Tops!
If students bring in a total of 10,000 Box Tops students will be able to duct tape Mr. Mitchell to the wall. Students who bring in 50 box tops will be able to participate in the taping. Students who bring in 20 will have their name added to the bucket for a drawing for prizes!